Triplar’s next steps…

Triplar’s next steps…

Earlier this year the Triplar board commenced a series of planning sessions with a view to establishing some fundamental goals for the business over the coming years. Sean Elliot has been driving the programme and explains the next steps for the business:

Our Steering Group, comprising of a number of staff across the business, will help shape the plan supported by a standard set of values. Together they will establish the basic building blocks which will form a set of specific programmes covering every aspect of what we do; from Finance through to People, Operations/Supply Chain, Sales and Health & Safety.

The plan was presented and signed off by the board in March and implementation began in April. It is fair to say that we are still making our way through the various programmes and there is a lot to do, but you may have noticed some of these building blocks beginning to take shape:

Health & Safety – Graham Richards is leading our continued focus on H&S and is currently taking his professional qualifications supported by a consultant that is helping the business to refine and develop its policy and procedures.

Customer Planning and Customer Insights – We have recently implemented Customer Plans for all our valued customers. These plans outline in a succinct and clear manner all that we do for our customers, key facts about the customer and a simple summary of the most important actions we have in place with each of our customers right now. The plans are a reminder that all our customers are very important to us and that we want to remain vigilant in delivering on their needs and expectations.

As part of our dedication to great customer service we have started to conduct a series of interviews with our customers, asking them what they think of the service we deliver and looking at areas of improvement or enhancement across a number of areas.

Resources – To support our growth we need to ensure we have the right people in the right place to help deliver for our new and existing customers, so once again we have commenced a plan which has already brought new people into the business. We want to make sure they are welcomed and get settled in quickly with what is a very tight-knit and close team of professionals delivering excellent customer service.

There is of course much more to come and we shall continue to keep you informed, but we also want to make sure we do not get distracted too much with planning and maintain a clear focus on doing what we do best.

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